Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Teddy is not a Loser - Game Over for Hades (by Teddy is not a Loser)

Kemunafikan sebuah ilusi...
Yang meratapi suasana neraka...
Menjelma iblis berwajah merah...
Tanduk lunak dengan seribu tawa..
Pasir merah menghimpun dosa...
Jutaan makna tuhan terlupakan...
Dengan hebusan kehidupan...
Peri dengan kenikmatan,sesat...
Runtuan pendirian manusia...
Tertuju untuk setan...
Pedih dan senyuman...
Untuk kaum hitam...
Tertawa kepedian kesetanan jiwa...
Kuhapus teriak kebebasan...
Lepas api belenggu jiwa...
Terangi lentera jiwa...
Penuh cahaya keabadian...
Musnaka setan...
Game over...
Lengkapi semua tabir...
Tetang hades...
Lengkapi semua...
Game Over...
Langkapi semua tanya tentang setan...
Hades kau sendiri...
Penyesalan kaulah ...
Hades kau sendiri...
Tanpa teman menemani...

lirik lagu rose mary feat - gania super girls

Sometimes I feel I`m getting old
CMy brain is full of shit
And I dont wanna know
The days are back for me to walk
I have nobody, and I can givin all

Givin all all the time
Givin all all the question
Givin all all the time to be heard

In my life the complicated thing
Ruined all the day
In my life nothing seems to be so bad

In my heart, in my soul
In my mind, in my day
I wanna be a supergirl
I wanna be like that
In my heart, in my soul
In my mind, in my day
I wanna be a supergirl
I wanna be like that

I wish that true... Wish that is true
I wish that true... Wish that is true... Yaaa....
I wish that true... Wish that is true
I wish that true... Wish that is true
I wish that true...